A deadly corporate plan needs to be exposed, you and your team mates must work against the clock to save the world from losing control of their minds. Step into the midst of an undercover spy operation at the Spider Tech head offices where you discover a deadly virus due to be leaked to gain control of peoples minds around the world.

Rating: Adrenaline Filled!
Completion Time: 45 minutes
Date Played: 31st August 2020
Party Size: 2

Quick heads up! I haven’t labelled this review by company as it’s a game created and licensed by Cluetivity. Cluetivity are a B2B company who create super immersive games (like Operation Mindfall) and license them to different escape rooms around the UK. They don’t sell their games directly to consumers unfortunately! At the time of writing this review, consumers can find and purchase The Pegasus Project at: (in alphabetical order)

TW: The content of the game mentions suicide.

The Pegasus Project is a prequel to Operation Mindfall. If you’ve played it’s outdoor counterpart, running around with your briefcase and an iPad, then you’ll know the drill! Spies, an evil corporation, mind control, and YOU! A brilliant team of secret agents.

I have to say, I did get a little disproportionately excited when the video started playing with a bright “WELCOME TO W.I.S.E.” It’s everyone’s favourite neighbourhood super secret spy organisation, back at it again with a brand new game. But this time, it’s a game you can play entirely from the comfort of your own sofa. That’s appealing both to those still social distancing, isolating, and those who are lazy at heart (I think I fall into the latter category there.)

On the topic of this game being a prequel, I’d probably recommend any prospective players give this a go before taking on Operation Mindfall. Mainly, it’ll help you understand the world a little more and the characters within it. Not to say that Mindfall was hard to follow (far from it), but I just mean this game adds a level of richness I really enjoyed. In any case, whether you play one, or both, in either way round, you’re bound to have a good time like we did.

The story of The Pegasus Project goes: Three scientists working for Spider Tech corporation mysteriously die, so W.I.S.E. sends in their best man. But when he goes missing too and a mysterious video of him surfaces, it’s up to you and your team to go in, rescue the agent and expose the shady truth. I love it!

To play, you have to find access to the top secret spy login. Even this initial puzzle, introduced in the welcome email, is a refreshing surprise that has you wondering what exactly is real and what is part of the game. Once you’re in, you have access to everything you need – documents, videos, guides, security footage feeds, email logins, a hacking tool, and an antivirus serum mixer. The interface is easy to use and fun. Although we played around a table, it would work very well via a Zoom call.

The puzzles too are varied and impressive! It’s less an escape room and more an immersive, real life experience. You’ll find yourself studying security footage and rummaging through security files to find the information you need. Oh, and there are cats! Super enhanced cybernetic cats. Pretty cool, huh? The game doesn’t take itself too seriously, making it appropriate for any group of players you have, but it’s also dark and gritty enough to captive and excite.

In particular, we LOVED the puzzles that involved moving around the office. I won’t spoil anything, but there’s a lot of looking closely for clues and navigating around a Google Maps style series of interiors to try to piece together the sinister situation. It’s a bit different and very “play at home” friendly! It’s an experience you quite literally could only have at home, and I like that a lot.

Overall, good fun all round. I think I’ve played enough super spy organisation games that MI5 should be knocking on my door to recruit me any day now. Thanks again, Cluetivity!

The Pegasus Project can be purchased for approximately £15 from a number of suppliers:


  • Mairi

    Mairi is the editor-in-chief of The Escape Roomer and covers escape room news and reviews across the UK's South.

By Mairi

Mairi is the editor-in-chief of The Escape Roomer and covers escape room news and reviews across the UK's South.

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