Having driven for seven hours to reach the beautiful Cliffside Campsite, you pull up to the barrier and the guard asks for your booking confirmation pack. It’s not in the door and its not in the glove box or under the seat…

Rating: Creative
Completion Time: 28 minutes
Date Played: 14th of July 2020
Party Size: 1

Camping Crisis is the second game by Keyhole Escapes I’ve played! After choosing not to review Lighthouse Rescue, I was excited to get this review up and out there!

Games by Keyhole Escapes are fun and creative, they centre around a linear progression of activities within a setting. In Camping Crisis for example, you arrive at your campsite ahead of a holiday only to find out you’ve forgotten your booking confirmation. To secure your booking, the campsite manager has you travel from area to area performing various bits of work. You clean up rubbish, you help the staff … The list goes on. There isn’t a huge sense of urgency, but this would probably make it a good game for someone looking for an easier pace!

The game is also entirely digital – so very friendly on those who don’t own printers.

In terms of the puzzles, there are some creative and fun puzzles in there! Especially those involving looking really closely at an image, or finding something hidden to click on a page – which is pretty unique! There’s also a mix of maths puzzles, some logic puzzles, even some wordy and cipher puzzles. It has a bit of everything.

On the other hand the clue system is a little tricky. If a puzzle doesn’t seem to make sense, the clues/answer boxes will give you the answer rather than an explanation – leading to one or ‘scratch heads’ moment throughout the game. But overall as it’s a game on the slightly easier side, asking for clues shouldn’t be too much of a problem for the average escape room fan!

To sign off, my favourite puzzle in this game was the BINGO level. Love me a bit of BINGO and this one was wonderfully creative! All in all, a good first game from this company and I’m excited to see where they take it in the future.

Camping Crisis can be purchased on Keyhole Escape‘s website for £8.


  • Mairi

    Mairi is the editor-in-chief of The Escape Roomer and covers escape room news and reviews across the UK's South.

By Mairi

Mairi is the editor-in-chief of The Escape Roomer and covers escape room news and reviews across the UK's South.

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